Nouvelles v2

Rhythms-International: As cool as the flipside of a pillow!

Rhythms Int'l - Chapter 9 Print Email

Written by admin

Our ninth show : Click on the right "play" arrow to listen

And here's the playlist for that show:


Soul Brothers....

Johnny Clegg....I Call Your Name....Best of Johnny Clegg

Refugee Allstars...Jah Mercy....Rise & Shine

Third World....Human Market Place....96 in the Shade

Cecilia Noel...Compone Un Son...Putumayo Latin Party

Afro Cuban Allstars... Forward

Salif Keita...Africa...Best of Salif Keita

DJ Food....Dub Lion...Big Noise Vol.1


Kali...Aline Vole...Caribbean

Rupa & April Fishes...Neruda...Este Mundo

Los de Abajo...El Loco...Cybertropic Chilango Power

Xavier Rudd...No Woman No Cry...Solace

Choose your language

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