Nouvelles v2

Rhythms-International: As cool as the flipside of a pillow!

Rhythms Int’l - Chapter 52 Print Email

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Rhythms Int’l - Chapter 52

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And here’s the playlist for that show:

200% Zoblazo...Meiway...200% Zoblazo
Who Let the Dog's Out?...Baha Men...Who Let the Dog's Out? - Single
soca 2009-mac fingal-Having A Nice Time...Unknown Artist...Track 1
brave ones - dz...kymani marley...the message riddim - don corleon - []
Hail Up The Lion (Uncomfortable)...Morgan Heritage...Morgan HeritageFull Circle
Mania De Peitao (Remix)...Seu Jorge...Cru [Bonus Tracks]
Zabê Sabe...Cabruera...Proibido Cochilar
Ojos Inocentes...Sergent Garcia...Una Y Otra Vez
Ngam Handzishiyo...Chébli Msaïdie...Hallé
Zanahary...Madagascar Slim...African Guitar Summit
Mandolin'...Taxikreol...Putumayo-French Caribbean
Haiti 2000...Michel Martelly...Sweet Micky Live
Stay A Little Bit Longer...Delano Stewart...Stay A Little Bit Longer [Uk High Note - Trojan TBL 138]
Dedicate this song...Jamaicans
Tide is High...John Holt
Pata Pata...Myriam Makeba...Alane (The Sound Of Africa - Veronica Goes Africa)

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